Main objective
- Category: Fondation Sunshine for our kids
- Hits: 111943
1. Interaction with State and Municipal bodies; nongovernmental organizations, natural and legal persons with regard to the child protection activities; including special protection under the legislation in force in the Republic of Bulgaria and the conventions regulating the protection of the children’s rights, ratified by the Republic of Bulgaria;
2. Paying special attention and rendering concrete legal, social, and material support to: lonely children without parents - orphans; children deprived of parental care and family environment; children suffering from physical and mental retardation and disabilities, and giving support and healthcare to such children, as well as improving their way of life.
3. Overcoming the social isolation of socially disadvantaged children, integration of such children in the society through finding the best permanent family for each child to ensure the wellbeing of the children and their development as complete personalities.