Ethical principles of behavior

Ethical principles of behavior

for mediation

of International adoptions

compulsory for the members and physical persons

working in Sunshine for our kids Foundation


I. main conditions

1. These rules define ethical rules of behavior of the members and physical persons who work for Sunshine for our kids Foundation /the Foundation/.

2. The main purpose of these rules is to frame the moral responsibilities of the employees in the Foundation, main values and principles, which they should know and follow in their work, as well as the ethical behavior defining their practical work in the Foundation

3. Rules for behavior are compulsory and all the members and people who work for the Foundation are obliged to keep and follow them. 



1.    All the members and people who work for the Foundation are obliged:

-       To have personal, moral and social qualities, preparation and experience in the field of services related to the international adoption of children

-       Not to work in a specialized institution and social service of residential typefor children or in the territorial subdivision of the Agency for Social Assistance.

-       When they fulfill their duties for the Foundation  to keep earnestly their rights and duties and to show loyalty and respect to the customers

-       To keep confidentiality of the information that was provided for them or related to the work they are doing or have been doing at the Foundation

-       To keep professional secret concerning their work in the Foundation. When they quit working for the Foundation they have to continue keeping professional secret concerning their work at the Foundation

-       To work for establishment of the authority of the Foundation.

2.    Members and persons who work for the Foundation should keep high standard of professional behavior and develop constantly their knowledge and skills as well as to inform for changes in the normative basis concerning work in the Foundation.



1.            Members and persons who work for Foundation should follow these rules in their behavior:

Law- keeping of the International legal acts, laws and regulation normative acts:

Integrity- building and keeping relationships of respect, trust, collaboration and collegiality

Loyalty– to have honest, precise and responsible behavior

Impartiality- not to allow their actions to be governed by partiality

Responsibility– to follow their responsibilities and be aware of the importance of the functions which they fulfill

Discrimination ban– In all their duties they can’t show discrimination based on gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, citizenship, origin, religion, education, beliefs, political affiliation, personal and social status, age, sexual orientation, marital status, property status, and all other circumstances established by law or international contract in which Republic of Bulgaria is a party.


In their activity members and persons who work for the Foundation should be governed only by the law aiming the highest protection of the interests of the adopted one and the candidate adopters.

Concerning the children:

-       To base their practice on the contemporary knowledge of the child development and individual features of each child

-       To understand and respect uniqueness of each child

-       To consider specific vulnerability of each child

-       To support child’s right to express freely an opinion about all the matters that concerns him/her

-       To work for the best interest of the child

Concerning the candidate adopters:


-       To respect the dignity of each family and its culture, customs, language and beliefs

-       To inform the family about everything, that concern the child

-       To inform the family for the way the child is has been raised and educated

-       Not to use relationship with the family for personal benefit


Concerning other accredited organizations for international adoption:


-       To build and keep relationship of respect, trust, collaboration and collegiality

-       To exchange information and resources that concern welfare and protection of children’s rights

-       To work for building of their own authority and that of their colleagues


Concerning society


-       To work for development of level of understanding of children and their needs in society

-       To work for improvement and collaboration between organizations as well as interdisciplinaryinteractions between professions which are related to the welfare of the children and the family

-       To work for popularization of children’s rights as well as to increase public awareness to the violence of children’s rights

-       To work in support of law and policies which help children welfare


2.    When there is a conflict of interests between the child and the candidate adopters to work in child interest and to inform completely and precisely the candidate adopters for the supremacy of the child interest.

3.    Members and persons who work for the Foundation are obliged to collaborate and support public authorities when they exercise their powers

4.    Members and persons who work for the Foundation should work for the improvement of interaction and collaboration between the state institutions and non-government organizations who have connection to the adoption procedure

5.    To build and keep relationships of respect, trust, collaboration, and collegiality to the colleagues from the Foundation as well as other non-governmental organizations and state and municipal offices. They mustn’t impair the personal dignity and cause conflicts and violence of their rights and legal interests.

6.    They shouldn’t allow at their work place behavior incompatible to good manners and moral.

7.    They shouldn’t allow to be under financial or other dependency which to influence on their professional, impartial and unprejudiced fulfillment of work duties.



Current ethical principles and rules for behavior for intermediation in international adoption compulsory for the members and persons who work for Sunshine for our kids Foundation are adopted at a meeting of the management of the Sunshine for our kids Foundation on 19.12.2014.



Foundation “Sunshine for our kids” © 2013-2018. All rights reserved!

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